Architect’s Notes

Dear brothers and sisters,

At our August 25th member’s meeting, architect Jack DeBartalo painted the picture of our Room to Send building expansion. Here’s a snapshot of what he shared!

  1. Room to Send will enlarge our seating capacity to accommodate 500 people in rows or 300 around tables. We’ll worship together. We’ll welcome more non-Christians, feed more college students, enjoy more opportunities for sharing the gospel, train more pastors, and send out more to plant and be faithful members of churches near and far.

  2. Room to Send will extend the life of the current worship space. As those before us faithfully stewarded their resources in purchasing our property and constructing the Church on Mill auditorium, we want to faithfully steward what God has given us. With Room to Send, we’ll value what is good about our current space and construct to extend the life of the building. 

  3. Room to Send will improve the congregational experience. We’ll enjoy worshiping in one gathering. The expansion of the room will leave no one further from the front than they are currently, and raising the ceiling as the building moves into the wings will create a unified environment that includes those sitting near the sides. And we’ll have windows, letting in an indirect glow of natural light!

  4. Room to Send will create an inspiring gathering space. The windows that will let light into our auditorium will also let light out in the evenings, broadcasting a piece of the life of our church to our Tempe neighborhood. A new lobby and patio area with shade trees will create an atmosphere of welcoming invitation and give us a space for fellowship and hospitality.

  5. Room to Send will build in phases as funds become available. If you’ve spent time in the other buildings on our church property, you know that there is more work to be done beyond the auditorium. This auditorium expansion, though, is the wisest and most financially responsible place to begin. Lord willing, after it is expanded we’ll move on to the next building (likely a new family ministries/classrooms building).  

As Jack and his team continue to plan for this project, let’s pray for them. Let’s also pray for favor with the city of Tempe and for funds for this Room to Send effort! You can give now here. And let’s pray that all the praise, glory, and honor would go to our Lord, for He is supremely worthy.


The Cattle on 1,000 Hills